Archive for kimber james


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on August 22, 2009 by drunkexpatwriter

brings up an interesting question.

Say you are a straight man or a gay woman and god told you that you had to have sex with either Buck Angel or Kimber James. Who would you pick and why?

It’s an interesting question, because Buck certainly looks like a man, but has a vagina, while Kimber looks all girl, but has a wang.

Personally, I’d go for Kimber, but I can see an argument either way.



Buck Angel Or Kimber James?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on August 22, 2009 by drunkexpatwriter

One of my friends brings up an interesting question.

Say you are a straight man or a gay woman and god told you that you had to have sex with either Buck Angel or Kimber James.Who would you choose and why?

It’s an interesting question, because Buck certainly looks like a man, but has a vagina, while Kimber looks all girl, but has a wang.

Personally, I’d go for Kimber, but I can see an argument either way.

